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How Remarketing Converts More Website Visitors to Customers

Coveted Financial Services now offers Chicago area clients a new marketing solution, powered by some of the most popular sites on the internet. Remarketing (also known as retargeting) is a technique for following up with your website visitors.

How re-marketing works: When a visitor navigates to your website, a cookie is placed in their browser. From that cookie their movements are tracked throughout the Internet and ads are displayed to them. There are three main platforms Coveted utilizes for remarketing: the Google Display Network, Facebook/Instagram, and LinkedIn. Ads can be placed in one or all of these platforms.

In Facebook/Instagram and LinkedIn these ads will appear in the News Feeds, on sidebars, in the stories section, and more. They are accompanied by a small “Sponsored” label to indicate that they are an ad.

The Google Display Network, on the other hand, displays ads throughout the Internet. For instance, The Chicago Tribune is part of the Google Display Network so ads may be shown to visitors reading an article on their site.

92% of internet users spend time on at least one of the Google Display Network sites.

Why utilize retargeting?
Studies have shown that while less than 2% of prospects are likely to buy on their first visit, click-through rates typically run three times higher for follow-up offers. Furthermore, many companies find that ads can be economical because your message is focused on users who had previous contact with you versus generic display ads that target a larger population.

Retargeting can also follow your prospects along their buying journey. For example, your ads can be customized for visitors who searched for your company, opened emails, viewed specific products or placed items in a shopping cart and left without buying.

As with all forms of advertising, successful remarketing requires expertise. A gentle reminder, served up with a compelling offer, can produce amazing results. But even a great offer showing up too persistently can turn a potential buyer off. A new advertiser will benefit from an experienced re-marketing guide. If your Chicagoland business would like to explore the power of re-marketing to turn more website visitors into customers, contact us!

Susie Farmer